Embodiment The Music

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
– Mary Oliver

The Embodiment story

On the evening of September 20 of 2014, the day of the Peoples’ Climate March in NYC, I participated in Devadana Sanctuary’s Prayer Circle for the healing of the Earth. That night I was awakened by a melody. This was fairly typical for me, as music would often come to me in the middle of the night as though gifts from the cosmos. This time, however, as I engaged with the music over the next couple of months, it felt as though it had a particular consciousness that DEMANDED my attention. It soon became clear to me that it was both a prayer and a vision—it was a musical vision for a “New Earth.” (“Essence of Creation” piece). Thereafter, the melodies that had been making themselves known to me since 2009 organized themselves into a pattern, and this pattern became a creation story. I ultimately realized that I was in the process of co-creating a vision for a peaceful, abundant, and loving world with elemental beings, as well as other entities that exist alongside us in the invisible realms. What occurred over the next few years has been my own journey of embodying that vision. Each melody has a particular energy, one that has brought balance to my inner ecology and has given me a pathway to my own essence. Through the consciousness of the 5 elements— Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and Ether; to Alchemy; and finally, to Heaven on Earth, the music calls to assist others in awakening and embodying their own Divine nature. It is through remembering who we are as Divine beings that we begin to realize our ultimate wholeness, and the creativity and magic that is possible from the depths of our humanity.

As expressed by the field of eco-psychology, “There is a reciprocal communion between humans and nature. The denial of this bond is a source of suffering for both the physical environment and the human psyche, and the realization of the connection between humans and nature is healing for both” (Davis, 1998:5). I view each of these musical creations as a portal that invites new possibilities for both depth and expansion; in other words, through connecting with the music, one may become more deeply connected to the inner landscape of the body, as well as the outer landscape of nature, and the cosmos.

How To Use This Music

There are 3 sections on this CD: Awakening, Alchemy, and Heaven on Earth. Each piece can be viewed as a consciousness that “nudges” you towards what may need attention and/or tuning in your own system with regard to that element or quality. This music is experimental in nature, to be used for your own exploration. I welcome any questions you may have about it, and/or feedback regarding your experiences.

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